Visitor Counter for Blogger

Visitor counter for blogger will give you a complete view about your visitors, where they come from, page impression, unique visitors etc. It will give you a graphical view of hit counts for your blogger page. Blogger has a default visitor tracker but third party visitor counter has more advanced statistics services.

visitor counter for blogger free

Now a days a lot of sites that offers totally free visitor counter. By using this type of service you can easily install counter widget in your site. Among all sites most popular sites are Google Analytics, StatCounter, Histats and SiteMeter. This sites are so popular for their feature and sophisticated services. You can try google or SimilarSites to find this kind of sites.

Some Other Sites:

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Links for 2011-09-12 []

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How to create Shortcut to Open Programs Faster

Its easy to create keyboard shortcuts just follow few tips and tricks
in Windows to open programs faster. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to open
the programs from the Desktop or Quick launch bar. You need to create
it before you want to open such programs, to which you want to assign a
keyboard shortcut. There two ways to create shortcut, first is "right
click" on the Desktop and click "New" in the context menu then click
"Shortcut ". Here you need to manually add the executable file location
or browse and select the desired file to create shortcut. The second way is to do it is to locate the file in the My Computer or Windows Explorer and then right click it and select create shortcut in the context menu. The shortcut will be placed in the same folder, select it and cut it and paste it on the Desktop. You could create shortcut for any type of file.

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